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7 reasons to consider trade school over a 4-year college

Do you want a rewarding career without spending thousands of dollars on a 4-year degree? Check out the benefits of the trade school and how it could help you elevate your career. 

In the debate over attending a four-year college versus a trade school, trade schools are often assumed to provide a second-rate education. Contrary to what many believe, trade schools can be just as good as four-year colleges and universities at educating students and preparing them for a career in their area of interest. 

In fact, trade schools can provide an easier, more affordable alternative when choosing a career path. Keep reading to learn seven reasons trade school can be a better option than a four-year college degree. 

Trade School Is Generally More Affordable

Many trade schools offer very reasonable 2-year programs, so you can enter the workforce in just two years rather than spending four years at college! With the cost of private and public colleges sky-rocketed in the past several years, most four-year bachelor’s degrees exceed a whopping $100k! In comparison, the average trade school degree costs around $30,000. Plus, a trade school gives you the opportunity to earn while you’re learning and gaining your credentials. 

Trade Schools can Provide A Lucrative Career 

Skilled workers are always in high demand, especially those in the IT, tech, and healthcare industries. Employers value workers with high-precision skills, and therefore people who have certain skills can command lucrative compensation for their work. In fact, the more specific your skill is, the more niche the market, and the more employers will pay more for your work.

Classes are smaller and more focused.

In the first two years of a four-year college degree, you might take general education classes covering a high-level range of subjects. This can be beneficial if you want a well-rounded education that starts with the basics of your area of interest. 

However, if you’re looking to become an expert in a specific field or trade, or you already have a certain career in mind, trade school might be the best option. This is because trade school classes have smaller student-to-teacher ratios and, therefore, more student-teacher interaction. As the courses are more focused on a specific industry, they often provide a more in-depth knowledge base that’s great at preparing you for your career.

Trade School Careers Can Offer Competitive Salaries

On average, a trade school graduate will make around $42,000 per year. However, trade school graduates get to enter the workforce two years earlier than college graduates. Depending on the specific trade you choose and the area you’re located, your income could be significantly higher than the average. For example, the top 90th percentile of electricians earns $68,600, according to

Trade School Jobs are In Demand

Healthcare technicians, carpenters, and electricians are some of the most in-demand trades in the United States. In turn, this makes them some of the least likely jobs to be exported out of the country. Most trade jobs require a physical presence, so there is little risk of them being outsourced to workers in another country.

Trade Schools Can Help With Job Placement 

Many employers prefer to hire trade school graduates because they know that the vocational training they receive equips them with the skills to excel in their field of choice — especially if they’re looking to secure a career with a specific skill set.

Many trade schools work alongside employers in various industries to help connect them with qualified, skilled workers that meet their needs. In fact, some trade schools even help support students with other things such as resume writing, networking skills, and interview skills to ensure they secure the job of their dreams.

Trade Schools Offer Flexible Learning Options

Flexible learning is one of the single biggest advantages of getting an education through a trade school. Many trade schools offer a myriad of online classes and both full and part-time learning options that fit your schedule. This is the perfect choice for students with existing responsibilities that make completing a traditional 4-year college degree difficult. 

Do you dream of a career that supports you financially and gives you the freedom to enjoy life? Finding an affordable trade school is the first step toward a more rewarding career. Trade schools are an alternative to a traditional 4-year college and offer all of the benefits of a great career without the school debt. Find a trade school online today and start your journey towards your new career.